Still here...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Can't believe I have not updated this blog in TEN Days...

Last week Wednesda, Vickii and I woke each other up at 5.45am and ran for about 30 minutes.
I ran on Saturday morning for 47 minutes.

Yesterday(Wednesday), woke up at 5.45am and ran for 27/28 minutes. Today, we woke up at 5.45 and I ran for 25 minutes, Vickii 30 minutes.
I will run at least once this weekend...

Vickii sent me this text yesterday: "Do u want 2 join me on a no sweet things challenge until Christmas?"... I was excited, lol. Why? Because I had just told myself on Monday that I won't have any chocolate, biscuits or pastries and these are included in Vickii's challenge. We have to report to each other so I will try to report here as often as I can :-)

I had a beauriful breakfast - Cereal, Strawberries, Grapes and Milk. So colourful, healthy and tasty :-)

How's everyone doing?


Anonymous said...

Hmm....abit sad that I just saw this challenge after I just wolfed down about 6 milk choc digestives, and I feel sick (bear in mind that i paid $7 for the stupid biscuits) so I guess today will not be able to count..... :-(

How are you, I was getting concerned, glad that you are back on track. How is your mum, keep on holding on, and remember that God is faithful.



Aspiring nigerian woman said...


I came across your blog - mummy monday many weeks ago and it is very inspirational. My prayers are with your mum. I eventually had time today to go through the rest of the blog properly and then found this blog. I can't believe that there are naija girls out there that run races (actually I lied, I met someone recently that lives in NY and runs marathons). I have always wanted to do this, but none of my friends are interested.

I don't mind running with you guys when others come up next year.

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