Buki the Runner is Back :-)

Friday, October 20, 2006

Thank God, we went jogging today(Thursday evening) BUT not round the park... It was quite dark so we went 'pavement jogging'.

I think we jogged for 35-40 minutes... my thighs hurt because:
1. On our way back, it was an uphill run.
2. I am still recovering from the flu.

I feel good though :-) Can't wait for Saturday - I will be back in FULL FORCE! Working on shaving 8+ minutes from my current 10k time, in time for the December 3rd race.

I love running!!!

I am so proud of my blog buddies who are jogging/keeping fit - 1982, Desola, ToyinE, Soul( hope you have resumed o!), Belle (hope you're still a gym babe), Bukky (not a blogger but she emailed me), and more of you, I hope...

Here's to keeping in shape!!!

I'll put up a brief post about my times round the park on Saturday.


Unknown said...

You might want to remove my name from that shout out because I'm afraid I'm not worthy.

See today, I actually had good intentions. I woke up, looked out the window, got dressed and waited till it got lighter, then I went outside ... and it was raining. So I went back in. I want to be fit but I really don't want to catch a cold so no running in the rain for me.

However, my nearest tube is a 25min walk away or a 5 minute bus ride so last night, when I got off the tube, I decided to walk instead of bussing it ... surely that's something?

LondonBuki said...

I REFUSE to remove you... LOL!!!

The rain is a big problem, I know... you'll go on Saturday right?

Did you walk 'briskly' (I am silly I know!) or did you stroll... if it's the former, then that is definitely SOMETHING :-)

Unknown said...

I always walk briskly, I don't have time for strolling.

I will plan to go saturday and sunday. What about you?

LondonBuki said...

LOL! Then you definitely did a mini-workout.

I am jogging on Saturday (timing myself) and then doing a 'fartlek' on Monday.

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