RunLondon 2006 - DONE!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

It was harder than I expected but I FINISHED!!!

I will find out what my time was later (on the website)... I'll be back :-)


soul said...

Well done Buki...
You know the wholkeof the Nigerian blogosphere was rooting for ya!.

I've got new proper running shoes but I haven't been jogging in 6 weeks!. like joke like joke it creeped up on me.

LondonBuki said...

Soul, we have to have a SERIOUS talk!!! New shoes and you haven't rocked them???

I am signing up for a one more 5k run and one more 10k run this year... Sign up for a race GIRL!!!


soul said...

buki.. my sister.
I'm sitting down tonight to work out a running schedule. I will have one race this year. even if I do it on my own.

Like I said.. u inspire me. :)
and canyou believe I even got the shoes at cost price oh! half price. kai I shame!

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