Saturday, November 18, 2006

Today was weird... My third lap was TERRIBLE! I didn't even realise until I looked at the time at 12min and I was where I should be at 11min!!! As you can see, I had to make up for that TERRIBLE lap, my fourth lap was quick and my body's feeling it... :-)

I did 4 laps today but I am not happy with the times. I put last week's times in orange and the 2 weeks ago in black.

I have a lotta work to do before my race - December 3rd!!!

1st lap: 15min 05sec (16min 05sec) (15min 03sec)
2nd lap:15min 40sec (15min 55sec) (15min 30sec)
3rd lap: 16min 30sec (15min 45sec) (15min 35sec)
4th lap: 14min 57sec (Didn't run!!!) (15min 00sec)

I still can't get over how bad the 3rd lap was, what was I thinking? The hills are getting difficult for me!!! I think I need to work on that.

My plan for next week is:

Tuesday - Interval Training
Wednesday - 20 minute fast run in the morning
Thursday - 1 hour normal run
Saturday - Run Round the Park, as always.

I have to go and wash my hair, eat lunch and see my Mummy.

Enjoy your weekend :-)


Anonymous said...

Im suprised 1982 hasnt made it on here yet - now as per your third lap - i dont think you should get really upset about it because i dont think youve had a bad lap in all the previous runs except when you didnt run and that was cos you didnt feel like it.Anyways now that you're aware of it i seriously dont think it will repeat itself and u certainly made up for it on the last lap. Will also be runningn a little later this morning and will let u know how it goes.

Unknown said...

Lol at Toyine ... I'm here now!

Well done on going running despite the sports injury you got earlier in the week, please blame the third lap on that! And well done on your fourth lap, that's your best time so far right!

I went this morning too and I ran 31 minutes non - stop, I'm very happy!

My housemate is doing the regents park 10k on the 3rd of December and she's asked me to come along ...I've decided to do it if it's a nice day. If it's raining the good luck to ya'll, I'll be thinking of you!

Let us know how your run went toyine!

LondonBuki said...

@ToyinE Ok, you and 1982 are officially my motivators!!! Thanks for that!!! I feel better :-)
I will try to make sure it never happens again! I don't ever want to see a time more than 16 minutes! Even more than 15min 30 secs!!!!

How'd your run go?

@1982 LOL! Ok, I will blame the third lap on my injury! Thanks ;-)
Yes, that's my best time so far!

WELL DONE!!!!!! 31 minutes non-stop!!!! I am so excited, you'd think I was the one who ran!!!! :-)

LOL @ Thinking of us if it's raining!!! Try to take part in it! Please!!!
I'm sure you'll figure out who I am when you get there... There are, at most 250 people talking part so look out for the overexcited Nigerian girl!

Have a fab day :-)

Unknown said...

I went running on Sunday with my mum (I'm her exercise motivator and since I don't live at home anymore, she doesn't do as much as she would like) and we ran for 30 minutes then I took her home and then ran for another 30 or so minutes... my break in between was only about 3 or four minutes, I am so happy!

I have decided I will definitely take part ... if it is not raining!! And if I do, I'll have to come over and say hi if I spot you!

Have a great week and let me know how the rest of your running goes this week!

LondonBuki said...

1982!!! 1 hour with only 3/4 minutes break!!!! WOW!!! You can definitely run a 10k!!! WELL DONE!!!

U have to run so we can share our times!!!!! PLEASE!!!!

Enjoy your week babe :-)

Unknown said...

LOL ... I have no doubt that I'll probably be last if I do the race but honestly, if I can run the 10k without stopping, I'll be so proud!

Pray for a non-rainy day and you'll see me there!!!

Anonymous said...

1982 mennnnn what have you been drinking or eating??? a 1hr run with only a little break in between - infact im beyond impressed! You go girl!!! I hope you join LondonBuki in the race o - and take piccies too! I have figured out as well that once i get over the first 15 mins, the rest is a breeze - i even sing along to my ipod :) Anyways on Saturday i did about 35 mins and i had to go home but i have to definately try to do more ahnn ahnn i cannot be left behind on this 1 hr thing:)
** I hope it doesnt rain!!!

Unknown said...

Toyine, you know what, I didn't know I could do it, I'd been following Buki's training plan which is alternates running with walking and I decided to just go for as long as I could and I was very surprised! Good music makes all the difference though, I was too busy singing along (in my head because I was way out of breath) to numb/encore and irreplaceable to notice how far I was going.

LOL at hoping it doesn't rain. I think it's only fair that if it doesn't rain and I run, then you should also do a 10k run in the coming year ... deal?

Well done on your 35 minutes and make sure you let us know how you do this week!

LondonBuki said...

Who is this Vickii (The Blogger Formerly known as 1982)? LOL!!!

ToyinE, I feel you on Singing while running, I do that a lot :-)

You better join the 1 hour club kia kia! HaHa!

I agree with 1982 (Vickii) you should sign up for a run!

Vickii, I better see you there! That is not a request! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Buki... I NEEED HELP!!!!
Ok so i decided to get my lazy ass to the gym and i have been doing so for a month now... its amazing i haven't quit yet but i am determined to loose this weight by force by force!!!

Now here is where the problem lies.. i haven't seen a single ounce drop on the scale however, my clothes fit sooo much better and i actually tried one of my size 6 dress and it FIT!!!!

i was sooo happy, however i wanna see the pounds drop!!! Amd i must confess that i haven't changed my diet much, but i try to eat less and i drink 6 glasses of water a day and i add a few veggies and fruits here and there!!
Oh did i mention i HATE running so pls don't recommend that cos i can only last like 2mins LOL!!! But i walk very fast on thetreadmill, use the eliptical machine 3 days a wk & do 200 crunches a day

Wat more can i do????

Unknown said...

Check out miss London Buki; people coming to for advice on health and fitness ... your reputation obviously precedes you! I am intending to run don't worry! You should be shaking your finger at the British weather, not me! Lol

I know you didn't ask me flygirl but if I may comment on your dilemma. Well done on your gym visits! First of all, I don't think you should rely on the scales too much, afterall why do you want to lose weight if not to fit in and look better in your clothes and if that is happening, who gives a damn what the scales say!

However if you do want to see weightloss, I'd recommend making changes to your diet because you sound like you've got the exercise aspect covered. Do you have any bad habits like eating lots of junk food or sugar or fat? What ever it is, don't give it up completely but cut down so say eat one chocolate bar a day instead of two or eat junk food once a week instead of three ... little changes add up! Plus bulking up your meals with fruit and veg really helps!

This is my two pence worth!

LondonBuki said...

@FlyGirl I'll probably be repeating what Vickii said.

It's not all about weight loss. I have been the same weight for months now but I know my body is toning up nicely.

BUt if you want to lose body fat, you need to eat healthy. Cut down on fatty foods, eat little and often... because you exercise already, you will notice a change in a few weeks.

When I went on Weightwatchers, I wasn't exercising - only exercise I did was run for the bus and walk to Uni - but the weight dropped off.

So, if you want to see changes on the scale, like Vickii said, you have to eat healthy. I hope you eat breakfast 'cos it's really important so you don't eat too much at lunchtime. Your exercising seems to be very good because you can see the effects - your clothes fit better.

I have my days when I eat well BUT I also have my days when I inhale chocolate biscuits and all that is bad!

I know the right way to eat but I give myself a break a few days a week.

If you need any pointers, let me know - I still remember even though I don't practice it everytime :-)

@ToyinE YEEEE!!! That is COLD OH! Is there an indoor treadmill (gym)??? Indoor Track? Find one!!! Driving might be a problem too? Wow!!! I hope it's only this week oh!
What have you decided to do?

I want you to join the one hour club!!!! :-)

Unknown said...

@ Flygirl: Buki sure knows what she's talking about ... you can't go wrong if you follow her advice!

@ Toyine: It's like everything is conspiring against you not to run! I would try and get in half an hour before work and maybe on the weekend day you're not working though you'll probably just want to crash and do nothing that day. You're really motivated so I'm sure you'll make the time.

Man, you'll be working crazy hours ... good luck! Oh, and good luck with the cold too!

I'm looking forward to you joining the 1 hour club! Make sure you tell us the second it happens!

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