Sunday - Day 4 0f 4

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Let me be VERY honest with you - I thought I won't be able to run today...


I couldn't run this morning 'cos I had to be at my Mum's with a friend, then I had some errands here and there.. I got home at 6.30 this evening, tidied up the kitchen.

I remembered I said my target was to run FOUR times this week and I had only run THREE times so.... I RAN :-)

This was the best run I have gone for in AGES! I ran on the pavement from my house to the High Street to another High Street and another High Street.
I got to this Hill and decided to run up and down that hill FIVE times(which I did) then I turned around and ran back home.

I feel REALLY good right now. It was a 40 minute run but it felt much better than that 'cos of the hill and my quicker pace on the way back.

How are you guys doing? Anything to report? :-)

I have to set a target for this coming week... any ideas?

P.S. I am SWEATING buckets right now so I am going to take a well deserved shower!


Unknown said...

Well done for going on sunday, I'd like to think my threatening message had something to do with it lol! I often find that somedays when I'm really not in the mood to run, I run really well.

I went for a long run on sunday; 56 minutes and 5 minutes off the time that I last did that route. And on sunday, tired and exhausted, I too decided to fulfil my four times target so I went running for 31 minutes though I probably walked half of that. At least I went!

Your target for this week should be four times again ... what do you say? Should we make that our target?

My hands are getting really cold these days, I need to get myself some running gloves!

Oya Toyine, what about you? Did you manage to go for a third (and maybe fourth) time last week?

LondonBuki said...

Well Done Vickii, a whole 5 minutes off your previous time! I am scared to run with you oh!

I have to admit your message had a lot to do with it, I just couldn't bear the thought of coming here to admit I DID NOT go running so I went! LOL!!!

4 times this week = GOOD!

Tomorrow morning, I am running round the park near home - 4 times round, like I normally do on Saturdays (although I haven't done that in 3 weeks). I am taking the morning off work 'cos I have some things to sort out, I am thinking of NOT coming to work at all tomorrow! LOL!

I MUST do the interval training at least once this week! Gosh!

I can't believe I went running Wed, Thur, Sat and Sun! That's not good, not well spread out.

This week will be Tuesday(Long Run in the Park), Wed(Interval training), Friday(30-45 minute run) and Sunday(Long Run in the Park).

Yes! ToyinE what's up? When's everyone off to Nigeria, if you are going?

Unknown said...

Ooh that sounds like a tough schedule ... two long runs! Good luck! I'll definitely run at least four times and I'll let you know what I do as I do it. I'll definitely squeeze in a fartlek as well ... I felt so good despite all the pain after my last one.

I'm leaving on the 27th for Lagos ... I can't wait!

Unknown said...

Oh I just saw your races of interest for next year, I was thinking I'd wait till April and do the Regents Park summer series but maybe I should also do the serpentine 5ks to get me into the swing ... you in?

LondonBuki said...

Tough but necessary Vickii, I will eat like a goat on Xmas Day.

I have it all planned out -My breakfast will be pancakes and syrup, with quite a few things on the side. ;-)

I'll be 'snacking' on Chocolate all day...

I am going to Mummy after lunch with a heavy bag with my lunch/dinner/more snacks!

This is all going to be after a 30 minute run on Xmas morning.

You are leaving in 1 week and 2 days. I am leaving in 2 weeks! :-)

LondonBuki said...

Yeah I think we should do 2 of the serpentine races.

I am in!

Unknown said...

Like you, I am planning to eat like nobody's business on christmas day ... pancakes for breakfast sounds good ... I might treat my loud rowdy family to special homemade pancakes. I'm trying to limit my naughty eating as much as possible to christmas day though!

Serpentine race in February and March it is! Do we have to register beforehand?

LondonBuki said...

I am trying to limit my BAD eating to Xmas day as well! We'll see!

I am not too sure how and when to pay.

The website can be found HERE

How to enter
Because of Royal Parks rules we cannot take cash (or cheques) on the day for this event. There are two ways to enter.

First, you can buy tokens for the race in advance, which you can hand over at registration or they can be used for a postal entry (see below). These are available by post from Malcolm French, 35 Merton Road, Harrow, Middx, HA2 0AA. Cheques should be payable to "Serpentine RC" - please include a stamped addressed envelope. The cost is £2 for club runners, and £4 for unattached runners. The tokens are everlasting and can be used at any time. The best idea for regular runners is to buy a batch. Please note that this race is extremely popular and we cannot guarantee entry on the day, even if you have a voucher.

Alternatively, you can simply send a standard entry form to Malcolm French, 35 Merton Road, Harrow, Middx, HA2 0AA with a cheque (details as above), or a valid voucher, and stamped addressed envelope and he will post your race number to you (or you can collect your number on the day if that is easier for you).

In order to ease registration for our runners we plan to introduce online registration in early 2006. Runners who register online at least 7 days in advance will receive their race number by mail, and their place will be guaranteed. You will be able to register at this page on the website.

More information
For more details, contact

Malcolm French
35 Merton Road, Harrow, Middx, HA2 0AA
H/W: 020 8422 3900

I am going to call this Malcolm guy to find out if there is a way we can register online and I'll let you know what he says.

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