I feel F-A-T

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Put on a pair of work trousers(pants) and they felt a little too snug... Gotta do something about this NOW.

I've been eating biscuits(chocolate ones), chocolates.... a lot of everything. Chicken, plantain... FOOD! The problem is I haven't been exercising more than 3 times a week so ofcourse it's showing.

Monday... 21 day challenge starts and I know it'll help me shed these useless, stupid pounds.

Today, I'm having a chicken salad for lunch and strawberries and red grapes in yoghurt for dinner.

Hope you're well.

P.S. I have decided I will work towards becoming a Personal Trainer. Saving for it... Good Luck me. Should start the course early next year, it's part time so it won't really affect my job .... :-)


Unknown said...

I'm looking forward to the 21 day challenge also.

Working towards being a personal trainer huh? Wow! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!!!! Will you go over the rules of the challenge again please? Thanks!!!

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