21 Day Challenge Info

Friday, October 05, 2007

  • Try to commit 100%, work a bit harder than usual. Find out your body's limits. Exercise EVERYDAY.
  • Eat fresh food in four to five portions a day, no alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes and go to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual.
Here's a link to our last challenge: 21 DAY CHALLENGE

The above link should tell you all...

At the end of the challenge, we shared.... THIS

Enjoy your weekend...

So see you on Monday :-)

**Exercise can be anything from 30 minutes to whatever you desire, CG can't have fruit because she is on Atkins so she can have vegetables**

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

I'll try to be faithful. Looking forward to the challenge. Been sliping up on exercising too recently. Maybe something is in the air, huh buki? LOL!!

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