Wednesday, May 02, 2007

DAY 21

**It's over! Wow... we did well. WELL DONE ALL!!! Thanks to those who gave us some advice here and there... :-)
BUT I sinned and had some Ribena yesterday! LOL!!!! I didn't run yesterday evening because I had a headache. I know why I had a headache - I was hungry! I ate a baguette for lunch! That's too small for me, I need more than that for lunch cos I am very actve during the day. I power walked with my leg weights yesterday.**

1. Breakfast - Fruit and Fibre
2. Snack - Oranges
3. Lunch - Fried Rice and Chicken
4. Snack - And Apple and a banana
5. Dinner - An omelette

Exercise - I went for a 20 minute run, sprinted at the end as usual :-) I have missed running. I did 30 squats at the end...

Soul asked: "Would it be possible to have a write up of how you guys felt before the 'challenge' i.e. your moods, how you felt about your body, your health e.t.c. and how you feel now?Are there any bits of the challenge which you feel you will incorporate into your daily lives will you be doing this again?"

Vickii said: Ironically, I don't think my life will change much after this because I'm definitely going to continue eating at least 5 portions of fresh fruit and veg a day and I want to add at least one session of weights to my two runs and one endurance/speeed session a week.
And if I'm ever not busy, I've decided I'll go for a brisk walk with my leg weights.
I feel much healthier (it's hard to explain, but it's just the way I feel) and my stomach is flatter. I think its the food that has had a bigger impact on me the last three weeks.

Waffy said: I'd have to say that this experience thought me the discipline of exercising. I'll definetly be exercising everyday cos thats something I did not do before. I have started jogging which i really enjoy, and now have a schedule that is perfect for me. I jog every other day and the days that I do not jog, I go to the gym. Taking an hour everyday to do it, is really nothing, not the hassle i thought it was going to be. I lost 4kgs so far, which i really think is good considering the fact that i still ate good food! I lost half my stomach and my condition is really good! No more huffing and puffing when I have to catch the bus!

Buki said: Same as Vickii above, I'll definitely work on having 5 portions of fruit and veg everyday now. I would like to continue the home workout and walking with the leg weights. It's been good to vary the exercises I have been doing. Interval training and Jogging - 3/4 times a week so it looks like I'll most probably be exercising 5/6 times a week. My tummy is flatter and it looks like my body shape has been altered a little bit. The squats and power walking with weights have helped me firm up my hips and 'backside', they look more womanly - I like! :-)
I didn't lose weight, I lost inches on my waist. I enjoyed my new eating habits because I fell back in love with some fruits and vegetables and I feel really healthy. The downside is my outbreak of pimples during the second week... I didn't love that. The exercising was hard sometimes and I think last weekend was when I felt it the most.
What I'm trying to say is... I'll keep on doing this but I will have one or 2 rest days a week where I'll relax with my eating and exercise.

ToyinE, anyone else... your views?


Waffarian said...

First of all, let me thank you guys...Thank you all so much for the encouragement, the love and most of all, companionship. I know, this may sound "emotional", but my dears,this is one of the best things I have ever done and stuck with it! I really needed this push to start me off and now, I am well on my way, thank you.

I'd have to say that this experience thought me the discipline of exercising. I'll definetly be exercising everyday cos thats something I did not do before. I have started jogging which i really enjoy, and now have a schedule that is perfect for me. I jog every other day and the days that I do not jog, I go to the gym. Taking an hour everyday to do it, is really nothing, not the hassle i thought it was going to be. I lost 4kgs so far, which i really think is good considering the fact that i still ate good food! I lost half my stomach and my condition is really good! No more huffing and puffing when I have to catch the bus!

Zoe Believer said...

This is my first visiting this blog and I feel sad to have missed out on all this. Hopefully, I can use the earlier posts to start the challenge cos I really need this. Well done to all who took the challenge, hopefully I'll be able to stick to it.

Anonymous said...

I guess congratulations are in order. Well done all.

Waffarian said...

Last food entry: For breakfast, I had an apple and green tea, for lunch i had eggs and spinach omelette, for dinner I had broccoli and chicken. Exercise: Run 8 mins, walk 2 mins, do 3 times.

Unknown said...

I did a home workout today ... good end to the 21 days! I actually plan to do the V tomorrow but I'm having friday OFF!

Waffy I'm glad that Buki's blog helped you and I'm so proud of you, I honestly don't know anyone that eats as healthily as you ... and well done on the weight loss!

Buki, thanks you so much because this was your idea in the first place and all the support!!!

LondonBuki said...

@Waffy I am more than proud of you and I am so impressed by your eating habits... wow!

@Believer You can use the earlier posts and if you have any questions, email me...

@Mochafella THANK YOU SO MUCH for your input... thank you :-)

@Vickii I was thinking of taking Friday off too... LOL!
I'll do the home workout today(Thursday).
It was fun having people to compare notes with... it made things easier.

Unknown said...

Well Done, You all!! Ur testimonies are motivating.

@Waffarian - you run 8 minutes at a stretch? I'm still running 3 minutes max, then I cant bear it anymore and stop for 2 seconds to catch some breath and continue for the rest of the stretch. Well Done on the wight loss.

soul said...

Thanks to all of you for at least responding to my query...

I think the overwhelming thing here is that you al;l feel good about it and feel like you will continue with this.
So it's more a lifestyle change than a fad or diet.

From your comments and the observations I've made.. everything seems sustainable.. like it's not a tiresome boring and even unusual stretch to keep to.
It also seems to have taught you guys a lot about food and it's combinations.. which is great!.

Welldone to all of you. i was rooting for you guys :D

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