My First EVER Half Marathon :-)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Yay!!!! :-) I ran 13.1 miles without walking even for a second! I'm sooooo proud of myself.

This was a HARD race, there were hills everywhere! I must admit that by the 9 mile mark, my legs were aching so bad, my breathing was fine but my legs were so tired, I just about managed to keep running. But when I got to the 1 mile left-to-run mark, I picked up my pace and was smiling till the end... I was so happy!

I expected to finish in 2hrs 30 minutes BUT I finished in just over 2hrs 20minutes!!!

The screenshot below shows what time on the official clock I crossed the finish line but my chip time shows my actual time because - there were thousands of us taking part and I was no where near the front of the queue so I actually crossed the start line almost 2 minutes after the gun went off (which is when my chip started recording my time). So my official time is 2hrs 20mins 41secs... GO ME!!!!!! LOL!

My legs..... I definitely am not ready for a WHOLE marathon yet! I know my legs would have been less fatigued if I didn't run for 2 hours on Monday, do 45 minutes of spinning and 15 minutes of training on Thursday and 40 minutes of running on Friday... I have to do a few more 10ks, at least one more half marathon before I even think about doing a marathon... watch this space.

Anyway - I am soooooo happy and proud of myself :-)


Nigerians 4 change said...

Buki, u ran for over 2hrs 20mins?


Anonymous said...

Well done Buki! Want to take up my run to the beat entry? Dont think I can make it anymore........

Calabar Gal

LondonBuki said...

CG - what's 'The Beat'?

DiAmOnD hawk said...

wow Buki... keep running... cuz you inspire me and im sure others to want to do the same...

Congratulations on the time!

Waffarian said...

This girl! We are so proud of you too oh! As for me...oh girl, I have "backslided" fact, I am so ashamed of my self...I have put on 5kg since last year...since that time i lost 15kg...and I was doing so well but I started eating carbs again and drinking sodas. to continue na...hehehehehe

Anyway, so good to see your progress! I am feeling inspired again. Well done.

Moleshe said...

You inspire me..Good job.

Abimars said...

Happy New Year Buki

Abimars said...

went to watch the flora marathon today and thought of you, hope you're good

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