Saturday, September 02, 2006
My times for 5k this week were:
Tuesday - 31min 47sec
Thursday - 32min 47sec
Saturday - 31min 19sec
I shouldn't have jogged 5k three times this week, my plan is to always mix things up - Training Tuesdays and Thursdays and jogging one or two other days. This week our "trainer" was celebrating his birthday so he was not available, I decided to jog.
Although I did my best time this week today, my body was feeling fatigued.
This is my plan for the week:
Monday: 20 minute run consisting of 10x reps of 1 minute hard running, 1 minute walk/jog.
Tuesday: Training.
Thursday: Training.
Saturday: I will jog 5k.
This should go well :-)
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