My 'No-Running' Spell Has Ended

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


LOL! Why am I so excited? :-)

Anyway, I finally went running this evening :-) Couldn't go running this morning so I decided to go this evening after seeing my Mummy.

I went for 30 minutes, I am happy to report that my lung capacity has not suffered :-) My body felt a little tired at the end of the run BUT I am happy to report I SPRINTED for the last minute and a half!!! :-)

How's it going with you guys?

P.S. There's another race I found out about... It's called Beat The Baton and it's on the 28th of May, it's a 5k Race. You can read more about it HERE


Unknown said...

Well done hun! How come your lung capacity didn't suffer and mine did??? Hmmm

This other race sounds really cool ... you thinking of doing it? Though by then, it'll just be for the fun of it because we'll be doing the 10ks and hopefully training for the half marathon.

Well done again on running. I haven't been yet which means I'll have to go tomorrow if I'm to jog times this week!

LondonBuki said...

:-) I'd like to say it's cos I am a skilled runner LOL!!! BUT to be honest, I think it's cos I took things really easy, I set a pace that I knew will not be too hard on me.

As for the race, I'm going to check Runner's World to see when the May race will be... It's £12.50 to register and it does look like fun.

Thanks, I am hoping to run 2 more times this week...

How many times do you wanna run this week? 4?

LondonBuki said...

Regent's Park dates are: April 7th, May 5th, June 2nd, July 7th, August 4th, September 1st

I think it would be fun to do the May 28th race, it'll be kinda like a warm up for the race on the 2nd... what do you think? And if you beat the Baton (music), you get a MEDAL! I need to find out how long the music is playing for!

Unknown said...

I want to do 4 runs this week and next week so it averages out the last two weeks to three times a week. After that, it'll be three a week.

I'm excited about the Regents park runs as well and the 28th sounds great! I agree, It will be a good warm up for the second. The only thing I'm scared about is this half marathon because we're talking about almost 20k!

Make sure you go twice more this week now that you've broken your no-running spell!

LondonBuki said...

Godd Luck Vickii! How's it been so far with the running?

I KNOW!!! Half Marathon = 13.1 miles!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello - I am Victoria from Sue Ryder Care and so please you are excited about our run on the 28 May in Battersea Park!

We would love to feature you in some of our press/pr coverage - are you interested ?...........if so please email me or call on 020 7400 0639 / 07786 394185

Hope to hear from you!

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