Saturday's Wimbledon Run

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The plan was to get to Wimbledon by 8.45am to register and take part in the race... Vickii got there before us (Buki and friend) BUT she got there after the race had already started and we were even later than she was!

We decided that we didn't want to have made our way to South London in vain, so we decided to run anyway. All three of us ran for about 30 minutes and it was a good run. Vickii runs at a very good pace so I didn't slack at all while running :-) My friend, F, who came with me, is just getting back into running 'cos she stopped for a while, she was happy she came and so was I :-)

WELL DONE Vickii and F... :-)

Anway, I have to go and take a shower, sort out my disgraceful eyebrows and go to my Mummy... ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR WEEKEND :-)


Unknown said...

Saturday morning did turn out to be quite a lot of fun in the end, and our run was good!

I can't come to the park next saturday because the flight is at like 7 in the morning but the week after, we should hit the park together!

Have a nice week hun!

LondonBuki said...

Yeah it was fun, with the Starbucks (and Subway, in my case) to end the morning... LOL!

I was just about to ask you about that... Well, there are many more Saturdays to look forward to! :-)

Have fun... Is the weather going to be really nice there?

I should be jogging tonight, so I'll blog about that... are you going jogging this week? YOU BETTER!

BiMbyLaDs** said...

glad u both had fun.! sort out your eyebrows because if i catch u, ill sort u and ur eyebrows out! lol :)

LondonBuki said...

@Bimbylads LOL! Ofcourse I sorted out my eyebrows oh! I didn't want your trouble! HaHa!

Unknown said...

lol ... I keep meaning to but I haven't been yet this week. I'll go tomorrow!

The weather should be about 20 degrees in barcelona so I'm going to take my trainers and go running. I love running in new cities!

Unknown said...

What park are you guys running in? I'm just curious!!! (smile)

Eye brows sorted??? I can hear u say - Check. So that means u're getting ready for th enext run hmmmn? (smile)

LondonBuki said...

@Vickii I didn't go last night, it was raining and I felt like I was coming down with something. Woke up this morning - Sore throat and cold :-(

Did you go?

It'll be fun to run in a new city! I ran in Orlando when I was there last year.

@CG We plan to try different parks each Saturday... we'll do Finsbury Park or Regent's Park next week Saturday.
Yup... CHECK! LOL!!!
Yeah, getting ready for the next run. Trying to find races in MArch and April...
What's up with you?

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