Tuesday Run

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I just got back from a 30(ish) minute run... I am so tired cos of my job! I am working on a lient site and I have to be ouot of my house at 6.20am! RIDICULOUS!!!

Today's run went okay... I plan to go on Thursday and the next run will be the 5k in Wimbledon on Saturday.

About the Sue Ryder Care 'Beat The Baton' 5k in May... Anyone else up for it? A friend of mine has registered and I think I have convinced another one to register :-) Vickii, have you registered yet? And your friend(s)? Any other Londoners reading this? Interested?

PLEASE NOTE: This race is on MONDAY 28th May BUT this is a BANK HOLIDAY so hopefully, no work for most of the UK.

Ok, I am going to take a shower now, then I am going to sleep!

Enjoy the rest of your week...


BiMbyLaDs** said...

im inspired.. ill stop eating after midnight from now on, and ill see how i feel about running.. Well done!

Unknown said...

Hey Buki, I didn't realise it was on a monday ... it sounds like fun but I don't want to have the day of work ... sorry! Find any other weekend races and I'm there.

I haven't been running yet, was planning to go tomorrow but apparently it's going to snow ... hmm. Well done on your jog last night! Pele for having to wake up so early, it's only for a short while.

LondonBuki said...

It's on Bank Holiday Monday Vickii... there's no work on that day.

LondonBuki said...

@BimbyLads Yeah try to stop eating late... although sometimes I slack and eat at 9ish... if I get home late. If you wanna start running, make sure you go to my April posts for running tips for Beginners.
Thank you :-)

@Vickii I hope you sign up for the race...
I woke up this morning and ALL THAT SNOW! I am supposed to run tonight, I will see about that!
Try to run at least once before the race on Saturday.

Unknown said...

@ Buky ... I'll definitely sign up now that I know it's on a bank holiday monday!

I meant to run this morning but yup, the snow. I'll go tonight, fingers crossed it will have melted by then. I definitely want to go at least once before saturday.

Which is the nearest station to Wimbeldon common? Can we meet outside the station and then head to the common together? My friend is no longer coming.

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