Tuesday's Training

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I went for a 30 minute run yesterday...

10 minutes warm up
Ran hard for a short distance, then walked (4 times)
Then I jogged for the rest of the 30 minutes.

During one of my 'catching my breath' periods, someone was driving by, stopped the car, wound down the window and said, "Siexeh"(read: Sexy)... I think he thought I was gonna respond to him, walk up to his car and get to know him! Nuisance! LOL!!!

Hope everyone's doing ok...


Unknown said...

Hey, how are you doing? How do you manage to look sexy when you run ehn? I came back from a 30 minute run this morning and looked in the mirror ... lol, I looked like a sweaty person about to keel over!

What day did are you doing race for life? I'm going to register for that today. I'm not too sure whether to register for the regents park 10ks because I want to go away around that time of year but I'm not sure yet. Hmmm, I want to do them though. I'll decide this week.

LondonBuki said...

You are too funny!!! Don't mind the man, he was looking at my chest! LOL!!!
Stop exagerrating, when we ran, you were not sweating, infact... did you even sweat at all? LOL!!!

I registered for the 21st of July Regent's Park race. It's a Saturday. As for the 10ks, you can register for one or two, let me know what you decide...

LondonBuki said...

@Vickii How was your Run?

Unknown said...

I've registered for Race for Life on the same day as you and I'm still considering the Regents Park 10ks ... I'll let you know when I decide.

My run was good and I did this hilly route that I normally reserve for weekends but I felt so much better by the end. I want to do some endurance training tomorrow morning ... I'll let you know how that goes. Let me know how your run tomorrow goes as well!

LondonBuki said...

Good! So May 28th and July 21st are confirmed!

I can't wait to leave the Client site so that I can start running in the mornings...

How'd your endurance training go? I'll blog about my run tonight...

Unknown said...

It was good, I did about 30 minutes ... I ran up and down the hill outside my house 6 times and at the beginning, middle and end of the time, I did about 10 minutes of step ups. They're a lot harder than they look!

Hope you have a good run today!

I think I'm back on track ... one more run this week and for the first time since Lagos, I'll have run three times in the week!

LondonBuki said...

Hmmm.... step ups! It's been a while since I last did them!

I think I'll try to do them before I start running today... thanks for that idea!

Well done, it's not that hard to get back into your routine, is it? :-)

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